Six reasons you need to read our interview with James Blunt

He's actually really funny so we decided to interview him.


by Jen Crothers |
Published on

We can't pinpoint the exact moment James 'You're Beautiful' Blunt became the funniest man this side of the celebrity world. It was some time last year, when he started posting funny ripostes on Twitter, taking the piss out of himself and insulting others. Sadly thanks to taste, decency, and the fact we're not allowed to replicate most of James' tweets as many contain words that happen to rhyme with Blunt. But we have chosen our top six favourite bits from our interview with him, which is in today's heat magazine, accompanied by gifs of James clapping because he's great.

  1. He's had sex to his own music. Yeah, we'd applaud ourselves too if that was the case. Although he does claim he's had sex with your mum.


  1. He wants to snog Cheryl, Mel B and Rihanna all at the same time. Here he is, visibly excited by the prospect of the greatest pop snoggy threesome of all time.


  1. He doesn't collect points at the shops because "decades worth of shopping seems to get you sweet FA." PREACH. Preach it all in a 360-degree manner, James.


  1. He drunk tweets. Here is clapping in a frantic manner.


  1. He got told off by his record label for tweeting insulting things. Here he is doing a slow clap in celebration.


  1. The weirdest place he's had sex is in the ear. Here he is riding a horse into the sunset just because he can.


See the full interview in this week's heat magazine, out now.

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