Taylor Swift’s Blank Space angry faces

Taylor is not amused, guys...


by Jen Crothers |
Published on

Taylor Swift's video for Blank Space dropped yesterday, and while it's a obviously a triumph of epic proportions, the best thing about it is Taylor's range of angry facial expressions. She doesn't like a lot of things. Do you like this post, Taylor?


Okay, well lets proceed anyway. Here are some things that really get Taylor annoyed with life. Haters gonna hate, y'all.

Taylor gets really incensed by stripy sweaters:


Fireplaces with period features, you can do one:


She thinks art is rubbish:


Linen? You're crap:


Who the eff got Taylor a Red Delicious? She wanted a Pink Lady you fool. See?


Trees? They really make her cross:


Taylor really hates classic cars - those emissions really get her goat.


Don't even get her started on when they spell her name wrong at Starbucks:


Thinking of expressing your love for Taylor through the medium of cake? Yeah, well, just don't.


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