More than 220 people asked for compassionate leave off work after Zayn Malik quit One Direction

Why not just call in sick?

Zayn Malik

by Rosie Gizauskas |
Published on

What is this One Direction post-Zayn Malik world coming to?!

People are asking their bosses for days off following him leaving One Direction, that’s what.

Guys, have you not heard of the good, tried-and-tested sickie? It’s much less blates.

More news!

Employment director Alan Price (who sounds like a right old hoot) told the* Manchester Evening News*: “It was a situation you just couldn’t make up.”

You’re right there, Alan.

“While I sympathise with One Direction fans, I hardly think this qualified as compassionate leave.

“If employees feel strongly about the issue then request that they take days off as a holiday, but compassionate leave is what you allow if a close relative dies. Unless the employer is unaware of family ties with Zayn Malik then I hardly think that this qualifies.

"Abusing compassionate leave is inconsiderate to fellow colleagues who may genuinely need the time off,” Alan fumes, in between huffing, puffing AND venting.

The Manchester Evening News continues: “Between 6pm last night and 9.30am this morning Manchester-based Peninsula received 220 calls to its Employer Advice Service.”


But Alan isn’t finished being irate. He’s been tweeting, too.

Like we said, next time just pretend you’ve got an ear infection, guys. It’s an oldie, but a goodie.

How’d you like those eggs, Alan?*

*heatworld is not condoning pulling sickies, btw.

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