23 gorgeous celebrity men who DIDN’T make heat’s Hottest Hunks 2015 list

How could you have left these hotties out? HOW?!

23 gorgeous celebrity men who DIDN’T make heat’s Hottest Hunks 2015 list

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Sometimes, life is cruel. And nothing is crueller than a hot celebrity dude being overlooked in a list celebrating the absolute hotness of hot celebrity dudes.

That’s how things went down with this year’s heat’s Hottest Hunks list, which was topped - as voted for by heat readers - by the smouldering Jamie Dornan.

Your votes poured in in their hundreds of thousands, but we would have used up the whole internet if we’d put them all in our Hunks gallery.

So we’ve put together an alternative list of the hotties who didn’t quite make the Top 100. We’ve no idea why you lot missed them off, because they are ruddy gorgeous. Go and book yourselves an eye test without delay.


23 celebrity men who should've made heat's Hottest Hunks 2015 list

Idris Elba1 of 23

Idris Elba

Jared Leto2 of 23

Jared Leto

Brad Pitt3 of 23

Brad Pitt

Will Smith4 of 23

Will Smith

Michael B Jordan5 of 23

Michael B Jordan

Frank Ocean6 of 23

Frank Ocean

Matthew Mcconaughey7 of 23

Matthew Mcconaughey

Terry Crews8 of 23

Terry Crews

Nathan Owens9 of 23

Nathan Owens

Tom Odell10 of 23

Tom Odell

William Moseley11 of 23

William Moseley

Travis Burns12 of 23

Travis Burns

Justin Timberlake13 of 23

Justin Timberlake

Joseph Gordon-Levitt14 of 23

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Taylor Hanson15 of 23

Taylor Hanson

Alex Pettyfer16 of 23

Alex Pettyfer

Tinie Tempah17 of 23

Tinie Tempah

Gerard Butler18 of 23

Gerard Butler

Lewis Hamilton19 of 23

Lewis Hamilton

Vidyut Jamwal20 of 23

Vidyut Jamwal

Tyson Beckford21 of 23

Tyson Beckford

Jesse Williams22 of 23

Jesse Williams

George Clooney23 of 23

George Clooney

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