Adam Deacon arrest warrant issued after court appearance no show over alleged Noel Clarke harrassment

Oh no...


by Owen Tonks |
Published on

Well this isn’t exactly an ideal situation, is it? An arrest warrant has been issued for Adam Deacon after he failed to appear in court.

The Kidulthood actor is accused of harassing fellow actor Noel Clarke and was due to appear at Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court today. Really not the kind of thing you want to have slipping your mind, Adam!

The star allegedly posted abusive and threatening messages in relation to Noel on social media sites between 5 March and 19 December last year.

Adam is accused of harrassing Noel Clarke
Adam is accused of harrassing Noel Clarke

He was due to appear in court at 10.45am this morning but, after he failed to show, an arrest warrant was issued an hour later.

Adam was charged just before Christmas and his bail conditions stated that he was not to contact Noel or any of his friends or family.

He was also banned from posting anything online about Noel.

Oh dear! Maybe he just overslept?

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