Adele’s got a SECRET Twitter account

Apparently she's too 'mouthy' for her offish one lolol

Adele fan had heart attack

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

It was recently revealed that Adele snuck off and had a sneaky secret wedding after she referred to Simon Konecki as her husband and said something like "now that I’m married," on stage.

And now it looks as though her wedding wasn't the only thing Adele was keeping under wraps, as she's let slip she's got a secret Twitter account that even her management doesn't know about (well, they do now obvs).


Speaking to fans during a concert in Brisbane, Australia Adele said: "I was looking on Twitter last night. They don't know I have a secret account, well obviously they do now because I said that. By 'they', I mean my management."

She then added: "I'm not allowed access to my own Twitter because I'm quite mouthy and I say the wrong thing a lot of the time, so they took that privilege away from me."

Oh, Adele, never change pls.

It's also recently came to light that Adele makes her way on stage in a really, really strange way on tour.

Rather than getting to the stage on tour like a total diva, she makes her entrance by squeezing into a sweaty box and being wheeled over by her roadies.


Adele is transported on stage in box

A source revealed: "Adele sits in the box for several minutes as she is taken from her dressing room right to the centre of the crowd.

"Most of her fans are already seated and just presume it’s a piece of kit they are moving but some have been told by staff at venues that actually it’s their idol and a woman worth £85million sitting in a pretty small box a few feet from them.

“A few have worked it out as her personal security Peter Van Der Deer - who is never away from her side - accompanies the box during its journey.

"Then her team flank it as it reaches the stage and shield her from view as she climbs out and goes to wait underneath the stage for the start.”


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