EXCLUSIVE Alexandra Burke: ‘I can’t remember life before kids’

The X Factor star talks to heat about musicals, being a mum, and her first film role

alexandra burke

by heatworld |
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It’s been 16 years since Alexandra Burke burst onto our screens on The X Factor, which she won. And the 35 year old shows no signs of slowing down.

She reached the Strictly final in 2017, and has performed countless times in the West End, and now she’s also about to star in her first film.

All of this is while parenting two young children – whose names she chooses not to share – with her footballer partner Darren Randolph, the youngest of whom she gave birth to in September last year.

As Alexandra returns to the stage for the musical Sister Act, eight years after she first starred in the production, heat caught up with her to talk acting, parenting, and whether she’ll be tying the knot any time soon…

You’ve achieved so much since those X Factor days…

alexandra burke and beyonce
onstage with bey on the x factor, no biggie ©Ken McKay/Shutterstock

It’s been 16 years since I won, but since having children, I’m enjoying everything ten times more. I enjoy family time with the kids and Darren. I can’t remember my life without them – it’s unbelievable. I feel very lucky to have given birth to two amazing, beautiful human beings.

Do you think they could follow you into the showbiz world?

I was pregnant with my firstborn when I was touring with Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, so I think the musicality has gone straight to that baby, as well as the football skills. It’s a little bit ridiculous.

So, following in their dad’s footsteps, too?

One hundred per cent for both. It’s a bit like, “What are you going to be, hun?” The kicking skills – we’ve got Little Kickers [football classes] on Sunday, and that’s wonderful, but the baby doesn’t need them, that baby is kicking everything – we are at that point. The baby is only two, so the baby is not listening, and the second is too young, but I can hear some little Mariah Carey notes coming out every now and again.

alexandra burke and Darren Randolph
alexandra alongside her partner Darren Randolph ©Alan Chapman/Dave Benett/Getty Images

Future doctors seems unlikely, then…

I wanted to be a doctor and then a lawyer, and I said to my mum, “If singing didn’t work out…” So, I’ve got a feeling it could run in the family.

Those are some high ambitions! Have you ever considered giving law or medicine another go?

I’ve always wanted to still study law, but I think right now in my life, I don’t have the time or the brain capacity to take it all in. Maybe when the children are older. I’m turning 36 this year, who knows what God has to offer. If that chance came about, I think I would probably take it. Something to challenge the brain, as well.

You and Darren are one good-looking couple…

Thank you so much. I’m so happy – he’s a beautiful human being.

Any plans to tie the knot soon?

You’ll have to ask Darren about that. I don’t want to speak on his behalf, so who knows?

You’ve just joined the cast of Sister Act and you’ve got a movie in the pipeline. How does it feel to be acting again?

I’m counting my lucky stars and pinching myself, I’ve done theatre, but film is a whole different way of working. It’s hard. It’s next level – getting up at 5am and finishing at 12pm the next day… I’m not going to lie, it’s hard. I survive on five coffees a day and I need to cut down.

heat magazine

Nicole Scherzinger recently won her first Olivier Award – that could be you…

That would be the dream.

Do you ever worry about doing too much – or too little – in your career?

I don’t spend my time in life worrying, ever. I think it’s important to embrace each day when present. Becoming a mum has made me more aware of enjoying each moment and being present. I’ve achieved so much, which I’m really grateful for.

Alexandra was in attendance at the Spring Ball in aid of Style for Stroke and the Melissa Bell Foundation

WATCH: Alexandra Burke talks about Simon Cowell being a dad at V Festival

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