Amy Childs announces she’s given birth with adorable baby photo on Instagram

amy childs

by Polly Foreman |
Updated on

A congratulations are in order for Amy Childs - as she has announced on Instagram that she's given birth to her second baby.

She revealed that it's a baby boy, and uploaded an adorable photo of her son.

This is Amy's second child - she gave birth to daughter Polly, 1, last year.

She announced she was expecting again in April, but refused to reveal who the father is.

Amy's pal Chlose Sims later wrote in her Star Magazine column: "Congratulations to Amy Childs on her pregnancy news. I had a shock when I saw pictures of her with the father - I went on a date with him when I was 18!"

"His name's Ritchie and he used to live next door to my cousins Frankie and Joey [Essex]. But I haven't seen him in years."

GALLERY: Celebrities expecting babies this year

It is believed that Amy started dating Ritchie after her split from Polly's dad Bradley Wright in June 2017.

Amy made the announcement she was pregnant with baby number two in April, telling OK! Magazine: “Me and my partner are over the moon about having a baby, but he’s not in the least bit interested in being in the public eye, which is so nice and refreshing," she told OK! magazine.

“We're extremely happy and can’t wait to welcome a brother or sister for Polly."

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