Amy Childs brings baby Polly onto This Morning. And bits of her placenta.

What she did during labour, and with her placenta is... interesting


by Stevie Martin |
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Of course when Amy Childs had a baby it wasn't going to be your average birth. Popping into This Morning, the former TOWIE star showed off little four-week-old Polly and cleared up the rumours that she had a blowdry mid-way through labour and has got everyone in her house putting her placenta on their face.

Both of which happen to be true. Yep, during her gruelling 27 hours of labour, Amy got herself a blowdry.

"I got sent home 4 o clock in morning, and at 7 o clock - on Saturday I'd already had my hair blowdried anyway - and I thought d'ya know what I might as well just have it done." she told presenters Rylan and Holly. "When I have her, I want to be glam!"

Further questioning from Holly revealed that she wasn't actually in the throes of delivering Polly, but was actually just mid-contractions. So it's slightly less insane, as we had this image of Amy pushing while a terrified hairdresser tries to find a plug socket for the hairdryer.

Amy went on to explain what she'd done with the placenta. Which was to eat it in tablet form.

"Well people said 'Would you fry yours?' and I was a bit like 'Errr' but I read about it, and it was such a good write up so I tried it. It was the capsules. I took them three times, every day, and I feel amazing." she said. "Yeah I’m a little bit tired but I had mums saying 'You’re going to be knackered, you're going to be so tired, day 3, you're going to get baby blues' and I didn’t have anything. I put it down to that, definitely."

Not only that but she also had it turned into a balm for her face. And everyone in her family is using it.

"Everyone that comes in the house has gotta have a bit of Me and Polly’s placenta. We put it on their face. We’ve got the balm on."

Rylan tentatively said he'd heard her dad was also wearing it, to which Amy replied "Oh yeah everyone has it on! I've got some here if you want some."

Unsurprisingly this offer wasn't taken up. But, er, food for thought right?

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