Amy Winehouse unheard demos destroyed

Her former label boss has admitted he's destroyed them.


by Maria Vallahis |
Published on

Apparently there are unheard Amy Winehouse tracks floating about and according to Universal Music UK chairman and CEO David Joseph has said.

Joseph told Billboard he had destroyed her demos to ensure they could not be developed into releasable material.

“It was a moral thing,” he said. “Taking a stem or a vocal is not something that would ever happen on my watch. It now can’t happen on anyone else’s.”

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Joseph was speaking to Billboard ahead of the release of the biopic Amy, on which he is credited as executive producer.

Amy performed at a Party held for the opening of the Boutique "Fendi", during Paris Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2008-2009, Paris.
Amy performed at a Party held for the opening of the Boutique "Fendi", during Paris Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2008-2009, Paris.

Darcus Beese, who was Amy's former A&R man – and now the president of her label, Island Records – told Billboard he blamed the media for driving the singer to her death.

“She was ill. You had people who had praised her and now they were murdering her,” he said. “Hopefully, when they see their faces on the screen they’ll feel embarrassed.”

Amy, is out in July - and a second trailer was released at the end of May, if you haven't seen it yet, it won’t fail to put a lump in your throat.

In the trailer, we see Amy’s meteoric rise to success, with footage of the moment she won a Grammy. She embraces her mum and looks shocked.

We then see footage of Amy and her ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil. Amy says the words: “I fell in love with someone I would have died for.”


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