CBB’s Andrew Brady gets real about ‘homophobe’ Ann Widdecombe

Ahead of the big final

Andrew Brady for Gay Times

by Carl Smith |
Published on

Is anybody missing Andrew Brady and Shane J-slash-Courtney Act's shenanigans on Celebrity Big Brother since the former was evicted last week? SAME, babes. But thankfully, since he showed such appreciation for the LGBTQ+ community during his time in the house, Andrew's had a chinwag with Gay Times to discuss all things Ann Widdecome. Obviously.

Andrew and Ann famously didn't quite see eye to eye when it comes to their views on gay rights; and now he's claimed that while she's 'very intelligent,' Ann shouldn't have been put on a 'pedestal' or excused by their fellow housemates.

Oh, and he got down to his pants for the occasion. That's always a treat for the old eyeballs.

Andrew Brady for Gay Times
©Gay Times

Discussing Ann's attitude to his absolute BFF Shane J, Andrew told Gay Times: "She's very intelligent and very smart, so she doesn't delve into the depth where people can get properly offended. She didn't go 'That's queer. That's gay,' whatever you want to say as an offensive word. So people can't get offended.

"You kind of have to be impartial until the day she says that – and then you can tear her [homophobia] to shreds."

So for Ann to say, 'Oh I'm not going to refer to you as Courtney – you're Shane' is disrespectful. She basically said that Shane is the sort of boy you'd want your granddaughter to bring home, but Courtney is a tart. It's amazing how different she treated Courtney and Shane J. But deep down he has the same heart, he has the same muscle fibres, he has the same bone structure, he has the same penis! It might be stuck to his bumhole but it's still the same one. You have to respect that, and I don't think Ann did. The hypocrisy there was real."

Andrew Brady
©Gay Times

Andrew also reckons Ann's age is no excuse for her attitude towards the gay community. He added: "Someone like Ann has been in the public eye, has been educated, and I don't think people in that instance can be forgiven. Prejudice is prejudice. It doesn't matter what shape it comes in, or size, or age – it's still prejudice.

"I don't want to compare the two to an extreme, but if you look at Donald Trump, he's 71-years-old and we're not using his age as an excuse as to why he's getting away with all this stuff. Why are we doing it with everyone else? That's a really strong message that I'm trying to get out. It doesn't matter how old you are, if you're racist you're a racist.

"If you're homophobic, you're homophobic. I don't think age can be used as an excuse."

Read Andrew's full interview at gaytimes.co.uk.

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