Andy West confirms his fiancé was cheating on him while he was in Big Brother


Andy West

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

We don't mean to alarm anyone, but it has only been 13 DAYS since the regular series of Big Brother ended – so much shit has gone down in the CBB house that it feels like about 13 years.

But in this short space of time, quite a lot has changed in the life of Andy West.

We must admit we weren't mega fans of him all the way through the series (thinking you're superior to other housemates because you're good at spelling ain't cool, Andy), but we definitely came to like him by the end – and we may or may not have shed a little tear when his boyfriend Ed Hutton came in and proposed.

Andy West

So we were super PISSED OFF and upset when it was reported that Ed had been cheating on Andy while he was in the house – who TF tries to meet up with random blokes on Grindr when they've just proposed to their boyfriend on national television for the world to see?

Andy West

We really didn't want to believe the reports, but they've now been confirmed by Andy himself. So we're really sad.

Andy West

Speaking to The Sun Online, Andy revealed that he found out about the cheating while he was at the Big Brother wrap party after a member of the production team told him to go and talk to Ed.

"He sat me down and said ‘you’ve been amazing and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.’

“At first he said it was nothing and then he told me that there was a silly story in the papers about him trying to hook up with a guys on Grindr.

“The words hit my heart like a hammer – I mean, I’d been around the block so many times as a gay man, I instantly thought, that what he said had the ring of truth to it, so as much as I wanted not to believe it, I actually could."

You can do better, Andy <3

Read more: CBB's Ricky Norwood lays into Chloe Khan

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