Angelina Jolie labelled a ‘minimally talented spoiled brat’ in hacked Sony emails

Forget leaked naked pictures of celebrities – it’s all about leaked emails from top bosses now.


by Maria Vallahis |
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Email threads sent between Sony Pictures co-chairperson Amy Pascal and movie producer Scott Rudin have been leaked and published by Gawker claiming Angelina Jolie is a ‘minimally talented spoiled brat’.

Although seemingly a bit of a harmless comment, it’s VERY awkward. Especially when the person being targeted is one of the most famous actresses in the world.

The discussion, which reportedly dated back to February, was related to the upcoming biopic of Steve Jobs.

Apparently Ange wanted David Fincher, who was linked to the film, to leave that project and direct her film Cleopatra instead.

Amy confessed to Scott: “She is upset about us giving David Jobs. She wants to talk.” “She'll survive it,” was Scott’s alleged reply. “I don't want to waste my time on this.”

For what may have seemed at first as ‘harmless banter’ seems to have gotten worse for the producer when he reportedly added to another email:


According to the Independent, Scott ‘demolished’ the idea of a Cleopatra movie, saying he had expressed “zero appetite for the indulgence of spoiled brats.”

Scott went on to express his thoughts further as he continued to say: “I've told you exactly how I want to do this material. It's the ONLY way I want to do this material. I'm not remotely interested in presiding over a $180m ego bath that we both know will be the career-defining debacle for us both.

“I'm not destroying my career over a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie. I have no desire to be making a movie with her, or anybody, that she runs and that we don't.

“She's a camp event and a celebrity and that's all and the last thing anybody needs is to make a giant bomb with her that any fool could see coming. We will end up being the laughing stock of our industry and we will deserve it, which is so clearly where this is headed that I cannot believe we are still wasting our time with it.”

Scott also criticised Amy by saying: “You've destroyed your relationships with half the town over how you've behaved on this movie.”

Both parties and their representatives have yet to comment.

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