Four months on from their bitter split following the revelation that he had fathered a second child with reality star Lauryn Goodman, Kyle Walker and Annie Kilner put on a united front last week as they give their marriage another shot.
But while the couple, who met in their teens and welcomed their fourth son together just last month, are staying positive as they embark on a fresh start at their Cheshire family home, a source reveals Annie feels she can’t escape the Lauryn drama.
The insider says, “Despite having only recently given birth, Annie still feels the situation is hanging over her – she feels Lauryn is never going to let her move on. She’s determined she won’t let it split her and Kyle up again, though, and while she hasn’t forgiven him fully, she wants to make it work for their four boys. At the same time, she’s worried Lauryn will always be in their life.”

The past five years have been anything but plain sailing for Annie, 31, and Kyle, 33, who share sons Roman, 11, Riaan, seven, Reign, five and newborn Rezon. In March 2019, Annie discovered that Kyle had cheated on her with Ex On The Beach star Laura Brown, who reportedly sent Annie a selfie of herself with Kyle from their family home as proof.
Annie kicked Kyle out, but several months later, decided to give him another chance – until he confessed that he’d had a fling with Laurynwhile they were separated, which is when Lauryn got pregnant.
Annie admitted she was left feeling “dead inside” at the news and Kyle moved out again. But after months apart, the couple reunited once more and sealed their hopes for a fresh start by getting married in November 2021.

Meanwhile, after giving birth to her son Kairo in April 2020, influencer Lauryn, 32, later revealed how she and Kyle had reignited their affair after meeting to discuss legal arrangements for their son.
While fans had speculated whether Kyle was the father of Lauryn’s daughter, known as “KK”, who was born in August last year, she finally confirmed the rumours in January, and revealed how she had shown Annie a DNA test during a FaceTime call with her days after Christmas last year.
At the time, Kyle publicly apologised to Annie and admitted to having made “idiot choices”. But, despite being kicked out yet again, he was by Annie’s side when she gave birth last month. And the couple put on a united front when they attended a bash at Coleen and Wayne Rooney’s house over the May Bank Holiday weekend, following reports that Coleen has been “a shoulder to cry on” for Annie.

The source adds, “The Rooneys’ bank holiday BBQ was Kyle and Annie’s first big outing as a family of six. There is still some tension there, but they wanted to show people that they are keen to give things a go, and their friends and family are happy to support them.”
But Lauryn – who has accused Kyle of gaslighting her and lying to Annie about his “second family” – doesn’t appear to be backing down. Earlier this month, one of Annie and Kyle’s friends claimed Lauryn was trying to “drag up the past and manipulate the narrative” when she posted Snapchat messages allegedly from Kyle asking to speak with her.
To make matters worse, Lauryn has reportedly told friends that she plans to take her children to “watch their daddy” play football for England in the European Championships in Germany this summer. And with Annie and the children set to join Kyle there, Euro bosses are reportedly trying to block Lauryn from purchasing tickets in a bid to prevent a showdown. However, as Lauryn is said to be making a documentary about life as a WAG – and with her being keen to shoot a segment at the Euros – there is a worry that she will use work as an excuse to be there.
Now, the source says the fear of what Lauryn could say or do next has pushed Annie and Kyle into considering a move to Saudi Arabia when his contract with Manchester City ends. The couple have friends there, after Kyle’s ex-teammate Riyad Mahrez and his wife Taylor Ward relocated to the country last year, and Kyle is reported to have had informal chats with Riyad about a potential move.

However, just one day after this story emerged, Lauryn then claimed she was considering a move to Dubai – less than two hours from where Kyle and Annie could potentially be living.
The source says, “Annie and Kyle have discussed a move abroad to Bayern Munich or one of the clubs in Saudi, and Annie thinks it could be the fresh start they all need. But now with Lauryn saying she might move to Dubai, Annie worries she won’t ever feel secure or settled.
“It’s like Lauryn will never let her be happy.”