Ant McPartlin held on suspicion of drink driving

There was a collision with three vehicles

Ant McPartlin

by Anna Sky Hulton |
Updated on

TV presenter Ant McPartlin is being held on suspicion of drink driving after a collision in London on Sunday afternoon (18th March). Metropolitan Police were called to an area in south-west London just before 4pm after a collision involving three vehicles.

Both the ambulance service and London Fire Brigade also attended the scene treating a number of people for minor injuries.

A 42-year-old man was taken to a south London police station for questioning following the incident, after he failed a breathalyser test at the scene.

The police have also revealed that a child passenger from one of the cars was taken to hospital for a check up as a precaution.

No further information has been revealed at this time.

Last year Ant entered rehab following an addiction to painkillers, following his time in rehab he publicly thanked his fans for their support saying, 'Have to say I'm overwhelmed by everyone's love, support and well wishes today. Thank you one and all. I'm sending all my love back. A xxx'

Ant McPartlin is a popular TV host with his co-host Declan Donnelly, most recently hosting **Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway **and the forthcoming Britain's Got Talent series due to start next month.

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