Congrats Charlie Simpson and wife Anna!
The 29-year-old musician announced at the last night of his solo acoustic tour that he's going to be a dad!
Wrapping up his gig at the north London's Assembly Hall, Dawbell tweeted: "Just announced he's going to be a dad for the first time! Congratulations @charliesimo!! The crowd couldn't have cheered louder!"
Charlie married Anna (Barnard) last year and it was reported last summer that the pair were 'keen to start a family'. And now they finally have a bubba on the way, aww!
Anna commented on Twitter that she was a "very proud wife" as she supported her hubby.
Charlie collaborated with Emma Blackery, who supported his tour, for an acoustic cover of track Would You Love Me Any Less.
Before his tour Charlie confessed: “I’m genuinely excited, and a little nervous, to be playing such intimate shows completely solo for the first time.
"When it’s this up close and personal you are completely exposed and there’s nothing to hide behind. I can’t wait.”
Congratulations Charlie and Anna!