‘Becks is amazing at pool’ says the man who lost against him in David Beckham’s underwear ad

David 'Golden Balls' Beckham is master of playing pool...


by Selina Maycock |
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Actor Rob Knighton spent two days playing pool with Golden Balls as part of David Beckham’s new H&M underwear collection, released back in March.

So we caught up with Rob to ask him what Becks is like off-screen, he tells us: “We spent two days walking round the pool table staring each other out, sword fighting with the pool cue and pushing into each other to wind each other up a bit but when the cameras rolled he was really sensible. David hit the magic trick shot that they needed THREE times in a row. He was amazing at pool, I couldn’t believe how good he was.” Well, he's nickname is 'Golden Balls'...

He also told us Becks said he gets “offers all the time” to star in films but has turned them down because “it’s so time-consuming and he wants to spend it [time] with his family.”

David even seemed pleased when Rob mentioned that he didn’t like football. Rob said: “I don’t talk about football, I don’t like football. I think David was quite pleased because I’d say it’s all people talk [to him] about.”

Becks we could talk to you for hours about anything but football…. so how about it?

And just weeks after filming that commercial, Rob landed a role in Beckham’s mate, Guy Richie’s film, King Arthur and is now starring in - Everyone's Going to Die, in cinemas from June 26.

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