Ben Stiller and Ricky Gervais pay a ‘glowing’ tribute to Robin Williams during TV appearance

Ben Stiller and Ricky Gervais pay a kind tribute of words for the late actor...

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by Maria Vallahis |
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The late Robin Williams, who passed away four months ago, was given such heartfelt tributes by his Night At The Museum: Secrets Of The Tomb co-stars Ricky Gervais and Ben Stiller.

Ricky, who recently made an appearance on the Graham Norton Show with Ben, said: “Everyone I have ever met who knew him, absolutely loved him. I’ve never heard a bad word about him.

“He was lovely all the time and never forgot to be the nicest person. If he had a second between takes he would be entertaining the crew. He was an amazing, lovely man.”

Ben added: “On set we felt it was going to be the last Night At The Museum so there was that awareness of it, but obviously we had no clue what was going to happen (to Robin).”

Also former Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens, who also appears in the film, admitted that he felt 'weirdly emotional' watching the film following Robin's death.

Dan appeared alongside the late actor, who was found dead in his California home in August aged 63, as Sir Lancelot in the comedy film and admitted he found it tough to hold back the tears while watching the finished product.

He told* The Huffington Post*: “Personally, I feel I have no right to say it but it did hit me hard because it was one of the highlights of my life getting to meet him and work with him.

“It was weirdly emotional watching the film back. The ending of the film had this sadness about it, saying goodbye to beloved friends and moving on.

“I remember when they shot that farewell sequence between Ben [Stiller] and Robin, it was an emotional day because it was the end of nine years working together, so there was something in the air that day that was very sad, and obviously it's been multiplied infinitely by this year.”

"The generosity that he showed, and the support and encouragement for me, who hadn't done a lot of comedy before, just to be right there alongside you, championing any effort to be funny.

“He was a great fun of laughter in general, and hearing him whisper in some scenes, 'Why don't you try this?' was just a great privilege.

“So I did spend a good amount of the first half of this year with him, and it was going from that extraordinary high to an unbelievable low. It's wonderful seeing him up there on the screen, and it was a great send-off.”

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