Has Beyoncé taken down the picture fans called fake? Selfie accused of being Photoshopped has disappeared online

We thought you told us everything, Bey :(


by Gwendolyn Smith |
Published on

You know that awkward feeling when you accidentally criticize your mate’s Twitter bio, and then notice the next morning that certain bits have suspiciously been omitted?

Well that’s just how we felt while doing our - daily and obsessive - scan though Beyoncé’s Tumblr account. Because the selfie Beyoncé was recently criticized for Photoshopping has suspiciously vanished. Hmmm.

Fans called foul on Queen Bey this week after they noticed strange distortions in an image she posted of herself in a Jay Z-reminiscent "99 problems" dress, which she somehow managed to make look exactly like a leotard.


But some said the pop diva’s trickery didn’t stop here: eagle-eyed observers suggested that the slight bends in the curtains in this snap prove that she has employed some digital wizardry to make her waist look even smaller than usual.

Even though mega star’s been accused of altering pics in the past, we’re all so in awe of Queen Bey, we’d have probably given her the benefit of the doubt.

That is, until the mystery picture went walkies...

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