Remember when Beyonce and Jay Z went vegan? The couple embarked on a plant-based diet for 22 days last year, but being famous, they called it a "22 day mental and spiritual cleanse" instead.
Well, it clearly worked, because Bey is now teaming up with her personal trainer Marco Borges (who inspired the couple to start the diet) to create an on-demand diet service called 22 Days Nutrition.
Sounded very Goop-like, the Beyonce diet will be 100% plant-based and free from gluten, soy and dairy. Oh, and it will be organic and non-GMO. Got that? That's what it takes to achieve Bey's slammin' bod.
The plan is clearly aimed at cash-rich, time-poor people who want to get healthy - prices start at £6.15 a meal, and you can have 1-3 a day, delivered once a week.
And the food? It sounds actually kind of OK. A typical dinner would be a baked sweet potato with melted coconut oil, half a cup of organic black beans, and steamed greens. Breakfast is stuff like vanilla chia pudding, and lunch is gluten free tortillas with hemp hummus and vegatables. As a treat dark chocolate is allowed as a dessert.
Does this mean Bey's looking to be the next Gwyneth Paltrow and start producing easily-mocked e-newsletters praising the virtues of mung beans and vagina steaming? Who knows.
But she's convinced her diet is the way to go. Beyonce has said of the program "If I can do it, anyone can" . Yes Bey, but we probs love Nandos, pints of Baileys and STEAK a bit too much to give it a try ourselves.