Beyonce likes to shake her stuff to Cha Cha!

Like a lot, a lot.

by Maria Vallahis |
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Beyoncé shared a video to her Instagram account showing off her ability to shake and groove her body to D.R.A.M’ Cha Cha and I Luv It featuring Sunny & Gabe.

It was only a couple of days ago Queen Bey featured in the music video for Nicki Minaj’s song Feeling Myself – which she also provides vocals for.


The video is also said to be throwing shade at Tyga’s relationship with Kylie Jenner, 17.

Nicki can be seen in the video, premiered on Tidal, dancing next to two females whilst wearing a top emblazoned with ‘pervert’ and the number ‘17’. Dig at Tyga and the teen?

And as well as Nicki feeling herself, so is Mrs Carter - she posted five pictures on Instagram wearing the same outfit.

The Feeling Myself video, released on Jay Z’s music streaming service, was causing a stir for other reasons as well.

Fans weren’t happy when she can be seen in the vid, supposedly pouring out the contents of $20,000 (£13,000) bottle of champagne.

One picture of the five Bey posted on Instagram showing off this same outfit.

One fan asked: "Why would you dump a 20 thousand dollar bottle of champagne into a pool Beyoncé. I with (sic) I was that rich."

Beyoncé posted her 15-second Instagram video with D.R.A.M’ song playing in the background.

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