The Big Bang Theory pays tribute to actress Carol Ann Susi, who died this week

The show has honoured the American star who voiced the character of Mrs Wolowitz


by Gwendolyn Smith |
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The American TV network CBS last night paid tribute to the late actress Carol Ann Susi, who sadly passed away this week after losing a short battle with cancer.

The latest episode of the show concluded with the message: “Every time you spoke, we laughed. You're in our hearts forever."

Carol Ann had voiced the unseen but nonetheless present character of Debbie Wolowitz, the mother of the geeky yet self-confessed ladies man, Howard, for eight seasons of the show.

It's reportedly not yet decided whether Carol Ann’s character will feature in the rest of the series.

On hearing of her death, the show's producers released a statement, saying: "The Big Bang Theory family has lost a beloved member today with the passing of Carol Ann Susi, who hilariously and memorably voiced the role of Mrs Wolowitz.

"Unseen by viewers, the Mrs Wolowitz character became a bit of a mystery throughout the show's eight seasons. What was not a mystery, however, was Carol Ann's immense talent and comedic timing, which were on display during each unforgettable appearance."

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