Big Brother’s Jackson and Georgina talk about their WEDDING PLANS

We do love a happy ending

BB Alex Georgina

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Excuse us, we're just steaming and eating our hat.


Because we did not really believe in the great love affair of Jackson Blythe and Georgina Leigh Cantwell while they were in the Big Brother house together. And it turns out we were wrong Wrong WRONG.

Not only are the pair still together a full week after the show ended, they're talking about how they plan to get engaged and what their wedding will be like.

Woah. Steady on guys, yeah? You've probably only had time for one Nando's date so far.

BB Alex Georgina
©Channel 5

Never the less, the seemingly smitten pair are planning a trip to Disneyland together, as they pledged in the house. And that's not all.

"In a year, if we are still together, we'll get engaged and I will give her the proposal she wants," Jackson told OK! magazine.

"It will happen at the Gran Floridian Hotel in Walt Disney World. I will give Georgina a Cartier ring on a Louis Vuitton show. That's what she wants."

Which kind of takes away some of the romance of surprise. heat was proposed to while sweating and eating Frazzles but each to their own.

The pair also talked about planning a wedding in Barbados. Blimey.

BB Alex Georgina
©Channel 5

But, while we have been cynical about their love affair, one person has not. Jackson's show bezzie, Alex Cannon.

Alex told heat: "Jackson is head over heels with her. He said he wants to marry her…

"If he wants me to be his best man, I'll be there in a heartbeat. One hundred per cent."

And we're there as flower girls / ushers / crashers. Just say the word, guys. And pay for our flight to Barbados too, please.


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