Pete Bennett fell (quite literally) into the Big Brother house ten years ago and also into our hearts.
The basically adorbs one went on to win the show and took home a cool £100,000 cash prize.
But has life been all rainbows and clover for Brighton-based Pete since?
Sadly not. Despite a stint on Celebrity Four Weddings, Pete’s most notorious TV work since was an appearance on The Jeremy Kyle Show in which he admitted he’d been homeless and addicted to the drug ketamine. Yes, the horse tranquilizer.
But now, Pete appears to be back on track and has launched a new career…
As a celebrity cleaner.

To be clear, Pete isn’t cleaning celebs’ houses (although we don’t think he’d turn that down), HE is the celebrity and he will clean your house.
“Flats...Houses....General Clean...Ovens...Shower Screens...Carpets...Anything and Everything only have to ask,” he says on Celebriclean’s Facebook page.
“I am proud to announce that Ive started my new cleaning business... so If you need your place spotless, gizza call , I'm your man! Selfies and FUN included ;).”
Hats off, Pete. We mean it.

He’s also posted a video of himself cleaning a carpet, and we like his skills.
NB contains swearing so don’t click if you’re easily cocking offended.
And that’s not all: Pete’s put out a plea for more Brighton celebrities to come and join his business, saying: “Need some brighton celebs to get involved with my new venture! Do u know any ?”
Erm… Chris Eubank? Zoella? Norman Cook? Just some ideas.
If this had whetted your appetite for nostalgia, check out where the I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! winners are at. Go on.