Made in Chelsea’s Binky Felstead is PREGGERS! :o


by Aimee Jakes |
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Made in Chelsea veteran Binky Felstead is pregnant with on and off boyfriend Josh 'JP' Paterson, according to Hello Magazine.


Baby bump
In an exclusive with Hello Magazine

Fans of the E4 show, will know that Binky and impressively chiseled JP have been on a break recently and thanks to Ollie Locke's constant meddling are still not together.

Yet according to Hello, they will remain a 'unit' for the baby's sake, whether the future has them holding hands on a Paris street corner or not.


'It’s obviously been a huge shock to both of us," Binky revealed, ‘This is a new start and a new chapter in our lives. I want to be a little family, to be honest. But I'm going to be ok either way. Whatever happens, this baby is not going to be affected. And I know Josh will be part of the baby’s life whether we are together or not. We are a unit now.'

MIC's heart-throb echoed his ex-girfriend's statement, 'Where we're both being very mature is with the fact that you should never get back together just because there's a baby in the picture. It has to be for the right reasons. We love each other a great deal, and there's no pressure – but you do have to take the past into consideration, where there have been a few hiccups. We're just taking it very easy.'

This comes just DAYS after Binks announced she had signed up with Select modelling agency.


JESUS. We don't know what to do with our hands.

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