Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have had a baby! WOOO!

Blake gave birth to the couple’s first child just before the New Year.

by Laurence Mozafari |
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It’s January, it’s cold, every celebrity in existence seems to be parading around on some far off beach with bodies that seems to have shrugged off the seductive power of pigs in blankets and Ferrero Rochet during the Christmas period, so what is there to be happy about? Well, besides heat making you happy throughout January, how about this?

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have had a baby! That’s right, the US actress and model reportedly gave birth in New York shortly before New Year. Does this mean that Blyan/Ryake’s baby is the official baby New Year baby? Or is baby New Year just a metaphorical thing?

There’s no question this little tyke will probably be very cute, thanks to their pretty parents. The gender of the baby has yet to be revealed, as the pair haven’t officially announced the birth.

They met while Ryan was filming that god-awful superhero flick, The Green Lantern - at least something good came out of that film. They got married back in 2012 and announced their impending bundle of joy in October.

We’ll keep you posted on breaking baby news - i.e. whether it’s a boy or a girl and how squishy their cheeks are - as it breaks.

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