Cast your minds back to 1998. Platform Buffalo boots were a thing, the most dramatic thing happening in US politics involved Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky (AN EASIER TIME) and Blue Peter buried their millennium time capsule to offer future humans a window into late-90s life.
Yup - everyone's favourite kids' telly show buried the capsule under London's Millennium Dome (now The O2 Arena) with the intention of it being dug up in 2050.
The issue? Er, it's sort of been dug up already. A casual 33 years early.
The capsule - buried by presenters Katy Hill and Richard Bacon - contained potentially the most '90s items you could ever imagine; including a coveted Blue Peter badge, Spice Girls CD, Teletubby, pic of Princess Diana, Tamagotchi and inhaler.
Aren't they still a thing?
It's all kicked off now, though, 'cause despite the original plan being to dig up the capsule in 2050 constuction workers on-site at the O2 have actually done it 33 years premature.
Katy tweeted: "#TBT to the #BluePeter Time Capsule I buried at @TheO2 w @richardpbacon for 2050 – except builders JUST dug it up!" with a source telling The Sun: "Nobody realised it was the Blue Peter capsule.
"The boys thought they’d struck gold. They were going at it with anything they could find — hammers, shovels, the lot."
A BBC spokesperson-type added: "Although a little earlier than anticipated, we're looking forward to sharing these memories with our viewers and making new ones as we return the capsule to the earth so that it can be reopened in 2050 as originally planned."
Turns out the capsule's alright, though. THANK CHRIST.
Barney Hooper, Director of Communications at The O2 tweeted: "We've got it and with #bluepeter we're going to re-bury it!"