Bobbi Kristina ‘won’t be taken off life support’ because dad Bobby ‘believes in miracles’

The daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston remains in a coma


by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Bobbi Kristina will NOT be taken off life support because her father Bobby Brown believes in god-given miracles, it’s been reported.

The 21-year-old has been in a medically induced coma since Saturday, when she was found face-down in a bathtub full of water by her boyfriend and his friend.

It was thought she showed signs of improvement earlier this week when doctors noticed a small flicker of brain activity during tests.

More Bobbi Kristina news:

But despite Bobbi being transferred to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta – renowned for its work on neurological conditions – on Tuesday, doctors are thought to have warned her family that she is unlikely to ever recover.

According to TMZ though, father Bobby doesn’t want to take Bobbi off life support because he still has faith in miracles.


His side of the family, who are deeply religious, have seen another relative wake up after being in a coma for eight days, so Bobby wants to hold on despite doctors’ recommendations.

It was also reported last night that Bobbi had been let go, but sources close to the family say this is rubbish – her grandmother Cissy has yet to say goodbye, and it looks like Bobby wants to see how things go over this weekend.

It has tragic overtones of the time Bobbi’s mum Whitney Houston was found unconscious in a bath in February 2012. Traces of cocaine, marijuana and pills were found in her system after her death.

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