Kristen Stewart is a very beautiful lady, yes. But a very smiley one? We think not.
It appears she thinks differently though, as she told Elle UK in her interview for the September issue: "The whole smiling thing is weird because I actually smile a lot. I literally want to be like, 'Dude, you would think I was cool if you got to know me.'"
We're sure she is indeed very cool, but a few cheeky grins here and there wouldn't have gone amiss. We get the whole airport thing as nobody wants to be seen after a 17 hour flight to the other side of the world, but on the red carpet she surely doesn't have an excuse. Isn't that why she gets paid millions? She also speaks to Elle about her lack of social media usage, stating: "I’m not anti-social media. I just haven’t decided to do it. The idea of addressing such a massive group...if I don’t know who I’m talking to it doesn’t make any f**king sense to me."
Fair enough. You keep smiling, K-Stew...