BRITs 2015: Madonna suffered “whiplash” from fall and was up until 3am with a doctor

She was with a doctor until 3am to ensure she was not concussed


by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Madonna has revealed she suffered whiplash and was up until 3am with a flashlight being shone in her face, to ensure she was okay, as a result of falling backwards at the Brit Awards, after her Armani cape failed to come undone.

Speaking on the Jonathan Ross Show, she said: "I didn't hurt my butt, but I hurt my head. I know how to fall, I have fallen off my horse many times.


"I had little bit of whiplash, I smacked the back of my head. And I had a man standing over me with a flashlight until about 3am to make sure I was compos mentis."

She went on to add: "I am always nervous on live TV, when you're singing you can't make any mistakes, I like to make my shows dangerous but the worst thing that can happen is you fall down the stairs – and I did that. Live TV is a mother f**ker.

"I was scared my cape would slip off so they tied it extra tight but two dancers basically strangled me. It was a horrible nightmare, I like to be amazing, I rehearse, rehearse and rehearse so when I do a show it is effortless and I create magic. I did the opposite, I actually created a horror show for everyone and I refuse to watch it back."

The Jonathan Ross Show Madonna Special will broadcast on ITV on Saturday 14 March.

We're glad you're okay now, Madge. We wouldn't quite say it was a horror show. But everybody did get pretty scared for a second... well, until you got up. And then they just spend their time making memes and gags like these...


Madonna falling memes Brits 2015

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