You’ve gotta see Brooklyn Beckham’s new tattoo

Him and David for Just Tattoo of Us, please

Brooklyn Beckham

by Carl Smith |
Published on

As if he wasn't busy enough promotinghis new photography book What I See and posting ridiclously-adorable birthday tributes for Harper Beckham, Brooklyn Beckham's somehow found time to get himself another tattoo.

After getting inked-up by Hollywood tattoo artist Mark Mahoney back in April, he's continuing his bid to be the edgiest Beckham by debuting his latest tatt on Instagram.

Brooklyn Beckham

Following in his dad's footsteps (but lagging behind slightly), Brooklyn chucked a pic of his new body art on Insta with the caption 'Thanks mate...' as he tagged LA-based tattoo artist Dr. Woo.

In case you're wondering, Dr. Woo (real name Brian Woo) also did Brooklyn's camera tattoo a while back.

Brooklyn Beckham

This comes after BB posted that bloody adorable pic oh him and sister Harper on safari for her birthday, saying: "Happy birthday to my little sister. Love you so much ❤"

Why are our families not this cool, please?


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