Bruce Jenner praised by Kardashians and Jenners for Diane Sawyer interview about gender transition

His family had heart warming messages for the star

by Owen Tonks |
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The Kardashians and Jenners have praised Bruce Jenner after he spoke about his transition from male to female.

Former Olympian Bruce, who has chosen not to use a female name or pronouns publicly yet, spoke of his struggle with gender dysphoria during an interview with Diane Sawyer on US network ABC last night.

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star’s loved ones were quick to speak out after the chat to show how proud of him they were.

His stepdaughter Kim Kardashian wrote: “Love is the courage to live the truest, best version of yourself. Bruce is love. I love you Bruce. #ProudDaughter.”

Kourtney Kardashian tweeted: “Couldn’t be a more proud daughter. With courage and bravery, let’s change the world. I am honoured to stand by Bruce’s side and support him.”

And Khloe Kardashian wrote: “Just finished watching the #BruceJennerInterview with the family. Bruzer, I’m soooo proud of you! Dads really are heros.”

Their brother Robert Kardashian added: “You have always been a role model to me and now more than ever, I look up to you. LOVE YOU!! !!”

Posting a picture of himself sitting on his dad’s shoulders as a child, Bruce’s son Brandon Jenner simply wrote on Instagram: “Proud son.”

And Brody Jenner posted: “You won another gold tonight. I stand with you on this journey. I love you Dad.”

Bruce’s ex-wife Kris Jenner, wrote: “Not only was I able to call him my husband for 25 years and father of my children, I am now able to call him my hero.”

Speaking to Diane Sawyer during the interview, Bruce said: “For all intents and purposes, I am a woman.

“People look at me differently. They see this macho male, but this female side is part of me, it’s who I am. I was not genetically born that way.”

The former athlete has been undergoing hormone therapy for over a year but had not made a decision on reassignment surgery.

The reality star admits his family haven’t found his story easy but it was Kim who has been the most accepting.

He said: “Kim told me a story, she said, ‘Do you know what really turned me around thinking about this?’ She goes, ‘Kanye.’ I go, Oh ok.

“They were talking about it and he says to Kim, ‘Look, I can be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am. I can have the most beautiful little daughter in the world. I have that. But I’m nothing if I can’t be me ... if I can’t be true to myself they don’t mean anything.’ ... and since then, Kimberly has been by far the most accepting, and the easiest to talk to.”

He added: “If this is the only problem I have in life, I’ve got it made, if it’s only this then I’m okay. I’ve got my health, my family and seven grandchildren. I hope I’m going to be okay, 2015 is going to be quite a ride.”

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