The Caitlyn Jenner backlash: Are her family really turning against her?

As Caitlyn begins her new life, rumours of a backlash are bubbling under the surface


by Ellie Henman |
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Since stepping into her new life, it’s been rare not to see a smile on Caitlyn Jenner’s face. With her huge Twitter following and her new obsession with Instagram, the former Olympic athlete has inspired thousands.

But, according to newreports in the US, some of Caitlyn’s family are starting to miss her old personality.

It’s already claimed that Brody is struggling to come to terms fully with how much Caitlyn’s new life is in the spotlight, and now it’s being alleged some of the Kardashian girls are feeling the same.


“Caitlyn is so far removed from the person that she was prior to the transition that some of her step-daughters cannot even stand to be around her right now,” an insider told Radar Online.

They added: “She is living for the spotlight now, whereas she always used to hate it.”

“It is really making people wonder about her intentions because she does not even acknowledge her past life anymore.”

But if these tensions are true, the public faces put on by Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall and Kylie couldn’t be more difficult. Each of the reality stars have shown their support for Caitlyn on Twitter and Instagram.

At the time of Caitlyn’s Vanity Fair shoot, Kim said: “It was so beautiful. I actually went to the shoot, and that was my first time meeting Caitlyn.

“She's beautiful, and I'm so proud that she can just be her authentic self. I guess that's what life is about.”

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