Calum Best just posted a full on NUDE picture


Calum Best

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

We have a fair few celebrity crushes here at heat, but if we're honest, there's absolutely no one we fancy quite as much as Calum Best.

And if the last series of Celebrity Big Brother is anything to get by (literally all the housemates were in love with him remember?), we're pretty sure everyone in the whole world feels the same.

So, you can imagine our pure and utter delight when we spotted his FULLY NAKED picture on our daily scroll through Instagram this morning.

BEHOLD. Calum Best, King of the Fitlords:

Is it just us, or is it suddenly very, very, palm-sweatingly hot in here?

If only a few of those bubbles had accidently slipped away…

Sending his followers (and the entire heatworld office) into a bit of a frenzy, Calum captioned this saucy snap: "TB to naughtier times in Italy."

Umm, fancy recreating those nawty times, eh? We're game for a little weekend away if you are, Cal hun?

If you want to see more ridiculously FIT pictures of Calum, click here.

In other news, there's a Love Island conspiracy theory about Jonny Mitchell flying around and it's very alarming

Turns out that Marcel may not be the biggest musical #ledge in the show, because loads of people think Jonny Mitchell is Will Young in disguise.

Yes, really.

Speaking of Twitter, we've been reflecting on some of our favourite celebs on social media and have deciced Lindsay Lohan is the absolute Queen of Twitter.

Let's take a look back at some of her most hilarious and bizarre tweets.

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