Caroline Flack speaks about the new Love Island contestants

And she quite fancies one of them...


by Stevie Martin |
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As we prepare ourselves for a new series of Love Island, and a summer of fights, bonking and conversations containing the phrase "I'm not fake, yeah, I'm real", Caroline Flack has revealed that the new contestants are pretty fit. And she quite fancies one in particular.

While the cast of the show is being kept a closely guarded secret until it airs next week on, they're being touted as the sexiest yet.

Caroline told The Sun: "I saw one of the guys in the flesh the other day at a photoshoot.

"I sneaked in and he is hot – he has a lot of tattoos."

The Love Island presenter then added that she'd probably struggle if she was actually on the show as a contestant: "If I was 18-24 and someone said ‘Here is a 10 week holiday with loads of hot guys I would probably say ‘Yeah.’

"But I would not be able to hide my feelings. It is genuine emotion on our show and we see it."

And on the topic of the contestants being the "sexiest yet", we're not quite sure what that means, considering every contestant in the history of the show has looked like they were created in a large factory for sexy reality stars (Tattoos? Check. Tan? Check. Fit, toned body? Check. Big boobs for the girls? Check. Pecs so big they sometimes look like manboobs for the boys? Check).

What will they have to look like to be sexier? Will they be nude? Will they be constantly oiled? How many more tattoos can you fit on a male body before they begin to look like your nan's Edwardian rug? We shall soon find out.

Apparently last year the show had 16,000 applicants - but this year the number shot up to around 60,000. Seems there are a lot of people wanting to find love out there.

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