Caroline Flack: “My stalker still haunts me”

The X Factor star is traumatised by a brush with an obsessive fan

Caroline Flack

by heat staff |
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Most of us don’t think twice about tagging ourselves on social media, but after being victimised by a stalker,* X Factor* presenter Caroline Flack says she’s now scared about revealing her whereabouts on Instagram and Twitter.

For three months, in 2012, Caroline was sent tweets by the man she called Kip (because he repeatedly tweeted about bringing her Mr Kipling). He also turned up at The X Factor and festivals she was attending and even wrote to her friends and employers, until he was arrested twice.


When heat caught up with Caroline at her book launch last Wednesday, she admitted, “I’m just a bit careful sometimes about not saying where I am. But I forget all the time and just go, ‘Oh look, I’m at so-and-so place with so-and-so, and we’re having a great time.’ And you forget that and then it’s out there.”

Caroline revealed in her book, Storm In A C Cup, that the man hounded her friends and work colleagues, claiming to be her boyfriend, before actually arriving at* X Factor* auditions in Manchester in 2012.

After travelling from his parents’ home in Wales to where Caroline was filming, he managed to leave a gift for her with reception – but Caroline was distraught to discover police still had no real power to arrest him.

Read the full story in this week’s heat magazine – OUT NOW!

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