Either there's some excess testosterone in the *Celebrity Big Brother *house or the boys will do literally ANYTHING to avoid putting in the hard yards in the kitchen.
Young(ish) whippersnappers Heavy D and Stephen Bear yesterday decided to neglect their bacon-frying duties, in favour of rubbing James Whale's bald head.
Poor James isn’t a morning person, bless him (he's a late night radio talk show host, in case that one escaped you). So when the boys rubbed him up the wrong way (har har), it didn't take long for him to snap.
"That's nice and funny but don't touch it," he said. "You can look but don't touch."
But when the boys accused him of being "touchy", he, err, proved them right by emptying a packet of coffee over Bear's head. Then rubbing his not-so-bald head.
Bear retaliated by chucking a load of flour back at him and wimpy Lewis protested that he's immune because he's "cooking".
Will somebody please think of the bacon?
Apparently not. Showing a total lack of respect for the most important meal of the day, the boys left the brekkie to go up in smoke, meaning everyone had to be evacuated from the house.
The breakfast-defiling scenes will be broadcast as part of tonight's show.
And things were hotting up even before bacon-gate. In related news, Marnie Simpson and Lewis Bloor got frisky in the store room, Heavy D wrote Chloe Khan an ACTUAL poem and Aubrey O'Day freaked us out with an UNHOLY revelation about her relationship with her pooch. Well that's breakfast, lunch and dinner right there, isn't it?
Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.