This CBB contestant asked for a PREGNANCY TEST.



by Aimee Jakes |
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Er, so. One of the Celebrity Big Brother contestants asked for a pregnancy test in the diary room thanks to an inkling she may be preggers in unseen footage...


We previously told you how Brandon Block was HOSPITALISED in the first week, which was also rather suspiciously hidden from the viewers. Is there a secret unseen world where Kim is actually really nice and Jedward aren't ruddy annoying? That would be a twist wouldn't it. Now we don't know what to think. Are we being mind-fucked by the telly gods? Will Derren Brown turn up to our front door next week? Will we become a YouTube sensation just on the basis of being really really gullible? A LITTLE HELP HERE CHANNEL 5.

WHO was asking for a pregnancy test, we hear you ask? According to a source at Daily Star, it was Heidi Montag who asked to wee on a stick. However, instead of doing a

Kristina Rihanoff the test sadly came back negative.

Speidi have made no secret of their desire to have a baby this year and the cynics among us believe that they want one to bag themselves their own reality TV show. To be fair, that is definitely something we would be into. Baby or no baby. SPEIDI ARE BLUDDY BRILL.

Pregnancy test

Last night, Apprentice moaner Jessica Cunningham and Speidi were booted out the house (booted lol) and Jedward and Bianca were chosen to stay.

Jedward then told the Diary Room, 'We've been saved because we're a different flavour - we bring blondness, we bring highlights... we bring intelligence.'

ERRR. If you say so guys.

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