Stephen Bear told Lillie Lexie Gregg he’d buy her an ENGAGEMENT RING with CBB cash

Lillie love, you've probably dodged a bullet

Stephen Bear Lillie Lexie Gregg

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Lillie Lexie Gregg sure has a knack for choosing rotters.

She came to fame as the woman Gary Beadle went monogamous for (although Charlotte Crosby would claim otherwise) only for him to split up with her to get back with Char during the filming of Geordie Shore.

She went on *Ex On The Beach *to confront him, and there met Stephen Bear who she was still in a relationship with when he went into CBB.

And we know how that went. Bear told his fellow housemates that Lillie wasn't "the one" and then made rude sex noises with Chloe Khan in the shower and the toilet – home of romance.



Lillie tweeted about her heartbreakwhen Bear first tongued Chloe.

And it seems the situation was EVEN WORSE than we thought.

Kayleigh Morris, who appears on *Ex On The Beach All Stars *with Bear and Lillie, claims that things had been extremely serious between the pair before Bear's CBB betrayal.

"He told Lillie he was going on CBB to buy an engagement ring so they could buy a house and get married," Kayleigh reckons.

"He’s made it seem like they weren’t that serious on the show, but just a few days before he went in he’s telling her he loves her and talking about marriage," she told the Daily Star.

Oh, Bear. It's getting harder and harder to like him with every day that passes.

Kayleigh also believes that Bear has gone in there with a game plan: to get the most airtime.

"He’s gone in there to be controversial, to wind everyone up and to be the talking point and he’s succeeded," Kayleigh said.

TBF it's working for him. Even Emma Willis said she was "pissed off" with him for trying to take all the airtime during Friday's AWKS eviction.

*CBB continues tonight at 9pm on CBB. *

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