CBB’s James Hill STRIPS DOWN TO HIS PANTS for men’s mag aTEEN: “I’m a gay magnet”

The ex-Apprentice star says he attracts way more men than women

James Hill

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

CBB’s James Hill is a bit of a charmer – heat should know; he came into heat Towers after being fired off The Apprentice with flowers and chocolate for us all.

But did you know he’s way more likely to have a clutch of guys surrounding him on a night out than women?

The Celebrity Big Brother housemate has opened up to *aTEEN *mag about being a ‘gay magnet’, saying: “To be honest gay guys try it on with me more than girls, but I’m cool with that as I’m comfortable with my sexuality.”

While he gets plenty of attention, he’s also into more meaningful connections than quick flings.

“I’m not the kind of guy that’s into one night stands. I find it much more interesting getting to know someone first,” he told the mag.

“But safe sex is very important, especially with new partners. We need to act responsible and use protection. NO GLOVE NO LOVE!”

Indeed. James, 26, opened up about how hard he finds it to get into shape, saying he needs “good food and plenty of motivation” to stay looking buff.

“It’s important whoever we are to look after our bodies, be happy and feel great about ourselves. We are all sexy to someone!” he added.

Oh, and he admitted he usually goes commando. START GOING COMMANDO IN THE CBB HOUSE, JAMES.

Check out more of James’ near-naked pics in this week’s aTEEN, available on the Attitude app or through pocketmags.co.uk/attitude.

40 photos of David Beckham looking hot


40 photos of David Beckham looking hot

Nice pants1 of 40

Nice pants

Too cute!2 of 40

Too cute!

Helping out Unicef3 of 40

Helping out Unicef

With his boys4 of 40

With his boys

Embarrassing Brooklyn5 of 40

Embarrassing Brooklyn

Nice torso6 of 40

Nice torso

In the pre-Harper days7 of 40

In the pre-Harper days

Who knew scruffy could be so hot?!8 of 40

Who knew scruffy could be so hot?!

Dave and Brooklyn9 of 40

Dave and Brooklyn

Harper is just so cool!10 of 40

Harper is just so cool!

Suited and booted11 of 40

Suited and booted

The look of love12 of 40

The look of love

Thumbs up to being a total stud muffin13 of 40

Thumbs up to being a total stud muffin

Just hanging with Jay Z - no biggie...14 of 40

Just hanging with Jay Z - no biggie...

All white15 of 40

All white

The future's orange (and hot, apparently...)16 of 40

The future's orange (and hot, apparently...)

Rockin' the accessories17 of 40

Rockin' the accessories

Never have we wanted to read a book more18 of 40

Never have we wanted to read a book more

We can sort your tie for you, buddy...19 of 40

We can sort your tie for you, buddy...

Too much hotness in one photo20 of 40

Too much hotness in one photo

Smooth rider...21 of 40

Smooth rider...

Not so sure about all this fashion malarkey22 of 40

"Not so sure about all this fashion malarkey"

Too cool for school23 of 40

Too cool for school

Red alert24 of 40

Red alert

Why so flat, Dave?25 of 40

Why so flat, Dave?

Time to retire from football. Sad times26 of 40

Time to retire from football. Sad times

Seriously. So, so sad.27 of 40

Seriously. So, so sad.

Uh-oh. What happened?28 of 40

Uh-oh. What happened?

Oh.29 of 40


That's the spirit, Becks30 of 40

That's the spirit, Becks

We still would.31 of 40

We still would.

Jeez...32 of 40


So. Damn. Hot.33 of 40

So. Damn. Hot.

Too much.34 of 40

Too much.

More pants. Nice.35 of 40

More pants. Nice.

And some more.36 of 40

And some more.

Golden Balls. Literally...37 of 40

Golden Balls. Literally...

Becks in black and white. Dreamy.38 of 40

Becks in black and white. Dreamy.

Beardy.39 of 40


Look! He's a member of Hell's Angels. Probably...40 of 40

Look! He's a member of Hell's Angels. Probably...

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