Chanelle Hayes starts up on Twitter again in the wake of the Kelly Brook/David McIntosh split

Chanelle Hayes does not want us to forget about that time King David took her to Pizza Hut


by Joel Golby |
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Emoji-bothering Big Brother alumni Chanelle Hayes has weighed in following the shock split of Kelly Brook and her sort-of-ex David McIntosh this weekend.

Chanelle — who once went on a date with David, to Pizza Hut — has been involved with the couple before, sparking a Twitter war with Kelly back in August.

The pair locked whatever the female equivalent of horns is after Chanelle spoke to The Sun about her brief McIn-fling, which resulted in Kelly tweeting: “Hang on… she slept with him even after he refused to buy her a Pizza? #Shame. I waited for Diamonds.”

Presciently, Chanelle responded: “You'll regret the diamonds when common sense kicks in hun. #delusional #goodluckanyway #allthebest.” Wait, is Chanelle Hayes off of Big Brother some sort of mystic or soothsayer? Because that happened. WITCH. WITCH. BURN THE WITCH.

Anyway, yesterday, in the wake of the news that Kelly and Dave had called off their nine-month engagement, Chanelle tweeted: “Shock of the day: David Mcintosh has been paid from his stint in CBB so "cheated" on his rich, famous, bunny boiling fiancée. #NoWay #Obv”

Kelly and Devil Dawg
Kelly and Devil Dawg

For her part, Kelly has been keeping upbeat*, tweeting: “Positive changes- Good people -Happy Life- Creative Work.”

  • Read: tweeting a lot of stuff about being ‘positive’ and ‘strong’ in public but then we don’t know how much crying-in-front-of-Bridget-Jones-and-eating-a-whole-thing-of-Ferrero-Rocher she is doing in private

Meanwhile, David has tweeted to say, “There are two sides to every story,” and to refute claims printed in The Sun over the weekend that allege he cheated on Kelly. So that story again, in short: three people of various degrees of fame and relevance have recently sent tweets. The End.

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