Charlotte Crosby hits back at Lillie Lexie Gregg for ectopic pregnancy comments

Very, very fair

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by Polly Foreman |
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We were literally reeling when we saw that Lillie Lexie Gregg had labelled Charlotte Crosby a “disgrace” for talking publicly about her ectopic pregnancy.

Aside from the fact that Charlotte went through a horrific ordeal Lillie probably knows very little about, almost died, and got praised by an ectopic pregnancy charity for raising such a huge amount of awareness for the condition – she still saw fit to criticise what she perceived to be a “publicity stunt”.

She told the Daily Star: "I think it's disgraceful that she'd talk about her ectopic pregnancy for publicity. It's private."

Err… who are you to decide what constitutes Charlotte’s private life, Lillie?

She said that, though she was “deeply sorry” for what she went though, she thought that Charlotte “used it as a way to get back at Gary Beadle” and that it was "cruel to publicise it without Gary's knowledge in the way that she did."

Gaz and Lillie in Dubai

But Charlotte has (very rightly) seemingly hit back at Gaz’s ex and Ex On The Beach star.

She tweeted: “Not the best of days when a painful time in your life gets brought back up for some1 else’s gain.”

Charlotte spoke about her experience to heat earlier this year. She said: "I didn't know what the hell was going on and I was in so much pain.

“Then the X-ray showed how much damage had been caused. Because I'd left it a week, it'd torn open my fallopian tube and I was bleeding internally. He said: 'If you'd have left it any longer, you could have died.'”

Ignore her, Char! <3

Lillie and Gaz appear in the new series of Ex On The Beach that starts at 10pm on Tuesday 16 August on MTV.

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