As it’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, we thought we’d find out what makes Charlotte Crosby and her mum Letitia's relationship tick. heat's Lucie Cave sat down with the pair to get all the goss on everything from Charlotte's break-up with Stephen Bear to current maybe-maybe-not-boyfriend Joshua Ritchie; all with the support of the 'only person' she wants after a split.

Speaking candidly about Charlotte's split from Bear last December, Letitia explained: "He wasn't horrible when we met him, but it did terrify me when she was making long-term plans, because I didn't think he was her forever boyfriend. I just don't say anything about her boyfriends, because it's not worth the backlash I'll get.
"She needs to learn for herself."
Charlotte added: "I never listen, I just need to find out in my own time. It's not like she didn't tell me she wasn't sure. The whole world warned me about Stephen. The question I ask myself now is 'Why didn't I believe anyone?'

So what's the deal with Charlotte's current fella Joshua Ritchie, then?
"He's not my boyfriend yet - we haven't made it official," she said. Letitia revealed: "I haven't met him, but I watched him on Ex on the Beach and I thought he was really sweet.
"You are all allowed to meet him, just not yet," Charlotte continued. "I've met his friends and family. I think it's going to be within the next couple of weeks."
Read the full interview with Charlotte and Letitia in this week's heat magazine, OUT NOW.
The Charlotte Show premieres on Wednesday 28th March at 9pm on MTV.