Charlotte Crosby and Gary Beadle are the most enduring of all the Geordie Shore romances – they've weathered his womanising, her insecurities and finally – FINALLY – seemed to be getting their relationship back on track in the current Geordie Shore: Big Birthday Battle series.
But away from the cameras, Charlotte has been dealing with a devastating ectopic pregnancy.
Charlotte opened up to heat's Lucie Cave about the heart-wrenching situation, made all the worse by the fact Gary was filming for the upcoming series of Ex On The Beach while Charlotte went through it alone less than eight weeks ago.

"[The pains started while] we were filming the advert for Geordie Shore: Big Birthday Battle [in early April 2016]," Charlotte told heat.
"I thought I had a really bad period because I was bleeding and cramping – I can't describe the pain, it was awful."
The next day, Gaz was due to fly out to Thailand for EOTB – and as we already know, he'd been staying at Charlotte's the night before because the two of them were thinking of making a go of things.
"We'd had a couple of fall-outs, but we were the closest we'd ever been," she said.

"There was one week where he slept at mine nearly every single night. Me mam and dad let him back in the house when they hated his guts. He didn't just betray my trust, he betrayed theirs."
Charlotte says her schedule hadn't allowed her to renew her prescription for the Pill, so she took the morning-after pill instead – but as she was so busy she didn't take it until the 72-hour window was almost up, which doctors think may have been a factor in her ectopic pregnancy.
Around four days after Gary flew to Thailand, Charlotte's pains got so bad that she had to go to hospital – and she was in so much agony that she couldn't even walk.

"[The doctor] put me in a wheelchair and I collapsed out of it. I was fitting on the floor and it was just so scary," she told us.
"I didn't know what the hell was going on and I was in so much pain. Then the X-ray showed how much damage had been caused. Because I'd left it a week, it'd torn open my fallopian tube and I was bleeding internally. He said: 'If you'd have left it any longer, you could have died.'"
What was undoubtedly a terrifying time was only made worse when the consultant said Charlotte needed an urgent operation to remove the damaged fallopian tube.
"I was so scared that I wasn't going to be able to have babies. I want to have children," Charlotte added. Luckily, "they reassured me that I'd still be able to have children, I'd just have to try a bit harder".
Char wasn't able to speak to Gary until after her operation, but eventually managed to get him on the phone from Thailand.

"I was crying on the phone and he was being so lovely… That's what I don't understand. I was really in love with him," she said.
"He said: 'I don't care how many fallopian tubes you've got.' He was saying stupid things, like, 'I'll make sure I have sex with you as much as I can to get you pregnant."
But Gary was hiding something from Charlotte: he hadn't been faithful to her while she was in hospital having surgery – he'd slept with multiple women from the EOTB line-up (including Jemma Lucy on the first night of filming), and Charlotte only found out from Marnie Simpson.
When she rang him he went silent, before blaming booze for his behaviour. Gaz then promised to fly home to be with Charlotte but instead decided to stay in Thailand – and their daily phone calls stopped.
"I was heartbroken," Charlotte said bluntly. "Gary's hurt me a lot in the past, but this was a whole different type of hurt.

"We'd had a stronger connection this time around. But I thought, 'This is it now, this isn't forgivable.' I could never go near him again. All the times before I knew we'd come back together somehow, but this time I knew that was it. Forever."
Charlotte has not been paid for this interview. Instead, she's asked heat to donate to the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust and St John and Elizabeth Hospice.
Read Charlotte's full, emotional interview in the new heat magazine, out now
Gaz and Charlotte's complete relationship history - where did they start out?
Ectopic pregnancy: How to deal with the grief and emotional impact
Advice on how to cope and grieve after a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or stillbirth
From Geordie party girl to fitness guru: Charlotte Crosby's life in pictures
From Geordie party girl to fitness guru: Charlotte Crosby's life in pictures




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