Exclusive: Charlotte Crosby talks us through Stephen Bear’s kinda creepy bedroom

Each to their own, eh?

charlotte crosby bear

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

Charlotte Crosby and Stephen Bear are legit our favourite celeb couple atm. Partly because their brand-new reality show Just Tattoo of Us (which, genuinely, no good can come from) is bloody amazing and partly because they're both so hilarious but also really, really cute.

Bear recently admitted that Charlotte was his soulmate (before spraying the set of This Morning with silly string and swearing live on TV, oops) and Char called Bear 'the one.'

Stephen Bear and Charlotte Crosby

N'awwww, ain't that sweet.

Anyway, Charlotte recently opened up to heatworld about life with Bear and staying at his family home. She gave us a little insight into the life of Stephen Bear and quite frankly – but also, unsurprisingly – we're a little disturbed by the contents of his childhood bedroom.

"[He's got] masks on the end of his bed."


"From Scream and things like that, scary masks."

OK. Each to their own, we guess.

What about cuddly toys? We imagine Bear hurries home from a long day of filming to snuggle up with an array of soft toys and reflect on the horrifying tattoos he's had to witness being inked on unsuspecting couples' bodies. Or he re-enacts scenes from Ex On The Beach and Celebrity Big Brother with Beanie Babies. Either, or.

Well, actually Bear doesn't even have so much as a teddy bear.

"No cuddly toys," explained Charlotte, but she did admit they have a "shared cuddly fish."

Oh, of course they do.

charlotte crosby and stephen bear relationship

Charlotte is appearing on Comedy Central UK's Drunk History tonight at 10pm and you can watch Just Tattoo Of Us on Mondays at 10pm on MTV.


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