Cheryl opens up about regret over ‘hideous’ decision

Oh, pet

Cheryl Tweedy and Liam Payne

by heatworld |
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Cheryl Tweedy's had her fair share of reinventions over the years. Whether it's those iconic early-Girls Aloud cornrows or that time she dyed her (and basically her entire group of X Factor contestants') barnet bright red, it's safe to say she's never been scared to experiment.

But now Chezza's revealed her least favourite look as she front L'Oreal Elvive's latest campaign; admitting her Beyoncé-inspired blonde hair was 'hideous.'

Oh dear.

Cheryl Tweedy
©Cheryl Tweedy © REX/Shutterstock

Discussing her hair 'mare, Cheryl explained: "There was a phase I went through where I always wanted to experiment, I wanted blonde hair like Beyoncé so sat for 12 hours in a salon only for it to look hideous."

Still better than that time we used a home lightening kit and ended up with a bright orange barnet though, eh Cheryl?

This all comes after Cheryl's boyfriend Liam Payne admitted he's missed major milestones in their son Bear's life due to his hectic schedule.

Cheryl Tweedy and Liam Payne

Speaking to The National, Liam said: "He just started saying 'da-dad', which is just the cutest thing. Being a father is grounding.

"You realise that you are not working hard to improve things just for yourself, but for them as well," he continued.

"I realise I can build something for him to have, as long as I work as hard as I can right this second. So I’ve got to hit the ground running.

"Unfortunately, it’s a risk that I will miss out on certain things. I am aware of that, but it’s important for me that I carry on and make this right for him."

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