Cheryl Cole and Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini – what their body language REALLY means


Cheryl Cole Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini

by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

When we heard the news about Cheryl Cole getting married in secret earlier this month to Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini, our first thought was, "WHAT" followed by "WHO" closely tailed by "HOW".

After all, they've only been dating for three months, and we barely know anything about the guy. But Cheryl told her fans on Facebook this morning that they're "very happy" together.

Post by Cheryl.

Cheryl's been through a lot of stuff over the last few days, from being cheated on by first husband Ashley Cole to nearly dying from malaria, so it's great she now feels settled.

We asked Carol Goodsman of to give us her expert analysis of Cheryl and Jean's body language in this shot Cheryl posted on her Instagram just a week before their wedding.


"She looks very much in love - her head is tilted towards Jean's and she's tucked her body right into his. She's really smiling with her eyes, too. Cheryl is an incredibly image-conscious woman but seems relaxed as she faces the camera but angles herself towards her new husband. Her body language says, 'This is someone I feel safe with' - she really trusts him. Her natural impulse when faced with a camera is to pose, but look at her legs - they're completely mirroring Jean's, which is what happens when you really like someone."


"His stance is open yet protective - he's got one arm wrapped around Cheryl as if to say, 'Back off - this is my woman'. He's definitely not as image-conscious as Cheryl so he's probably less used to being in front of a camera, which might explain why his right arm looks slightly stiff. There's a bit of a 'keep out' thing going on with his posture, which again could be down to his reluctance to be photographed. His expression is at odds with the beautiful flower-strewn room behind him - maybe he was just caught off-guard."

What do you think?

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