Cheryl Fernandez-Versini and Mel B have a bust-up on air and Mel storms off the stage

Things get heated as Cheryl can't make up her mind who to choose for her category


by Stevie Martin |
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We thought they got on pretty well, but tensions ran high on The X Factor last night with Mel B storming off stage after disagreeing with Cheryl Fernandez-Versini's indecisiveness.

Both judges have been given conflicting categories, with Mel mentoring the Boys and Cheryl, the Girls, but things kicked off when Cheryl couldn't decide on her lineup and kept swapping singers in and out. X Factor hopeful Chloe–Jasmin Whichello was given the second seat in Cheryl's six line-u, then had her place taken away for another singer but then later got it back after Cheryl changed her mind for a second time. While leading the singer whose place she took, Irish born Orla Keogh, offstage, Mel raged: 'I think that was a big mistake. I told Cheryl that. BIG MISTAKE.'

The audience also booed Cheryl after she told Monica Michael that she couldn’t have a seat in her final six, to such an extent that she had to turn around calm them down, ‘What you have to realise is, that’s my choice.’

Once she'd chosen six, Cheryl then changed her mind a number of times, swapping Chloe O’Gorman in for Chloe-Jasmine. Simon then urged her to change her mind, which she did, before Lauren Platt was swapped in and Chloe O'Gorman back out again. Simon then got her to swap Chloe Jasmin in. In the meantime, we went crosseyed.

‘I do appreciate your help but honestly I feel like I want to throw up right now!’ She told the crowd, who literally wouldn't stop booing her every decision. The final lineup ended up as: Stephanie Nala, Lola Saunders, Kerrianne Covell, Chloe Jasmin and Lauren Platt.

It was pretty intense viewing, and we're looking forward to seeing more Mel B v Cheryl F-V wars as the series progresses.

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