Cheryl Fernandez-Versini blames weight loss on grief and rants at trolls who called her a “bag of bones”

You tell 'em, Chezza


by Laurence Mozafari |
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Cheryl Fernandez-Versini has ranted at Instagram trolls, and blamed her weight loss on her grief following the loss of her father-in-law.

She ranted at one follower in particular after being referred to as a “bag of bones”.

The comments came as Cheryl was treated to a swanky birthday Euro-trip to Italy, courtesy of her husband, Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini.



Posting on her Instagram account, Cheryl wrote: “I am so sick and tired of it being ok to call somebody too thin or a ‘bag of bones’.

“I would never dream of calling somebody too fat and that they shouold maybe cut down on their food intake? What is the difference?

“You have no idea what I have been through. Just losing my father in law v recently and everything that comes with that.

“Not that I am or should justify myself to anyone.

“I’m so f sick of people thinking it’s ok to be mean or body shame anyone. And it’s woman on woman. Have some respect and maybe think there may be reasons why before opening your mouth please.

She added: “I am just tired of the ignorance...At some point it’s just enough. Some people are naturally thin. My mother is all of 4’11 and six stone something. And is incredible healthy and happy.”

And finally one user told her that she’s “beautiful on the inside and the outside” and that Cheryl shouldn’t let anyone else tell her any different.

Chezza wrote back: “I know. I am going to enjoy myself and relax. I am just tired of the ignorance.”

Erm, when someone tells you that you’re beautiful in every way Cheryl, we think you’re supposed to just say “thanks”, not “I know”. But we’ll let it slide, as it was your birthday, and all.

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