Cheryl’s back on social media showing Liam Payne some love

Someone sound the ADORABLE ALARM

Cheryl and Liam Payne

by Carl Smith |
Published on

Now we can't love vocariously through the Love Island couples every night, we're looking for a new pair who'll provide all the adorbs and distract us from the fact we're single af. So thank GAHD Cheryl and Liam Payne are being all cute on Instagram again, eh?

Yup - after Cheryl debuted her blonde 'do recently, Liam's only gone and posted a pic of his brand new barnet on Insta; much to the delight of his 'wife.'

They're not actually married, but that's a whole other story we'll go into shortly.

After Liam posted a pic with the caption 'Fresh cuts,' Cheryl was quick to comment 'Love it' complete with heart-eyed emoji. No more, no less.

This all comes after Liam sparked speculation him and Cheryl might be MARRIED recently. He told French music site On the Move: "To be honest with you I don’t know yet what it is like to write while being a father, I have not passed through this experience.

"I have something that I’m preparing with Timbaland and I was writing with Pharrell when his wife was pregnant along with my wife for that matter."

However a spokesperson later confirmed: "No they are not married."

Cheryl and Liam Payne

What d'ya make of that? So cute, eh?


Here's a sneak peek inside the Love Island afterparty. WAH COME BACK.

You won't believe how much the Love Island lot are set to earn

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